Daily Word: Do You Selah? Proverbs 13:13

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

Whoever despises instruction will pay a penalty, but whoever respects a mitzvah [commandments] will be rewarded. Proverbs 13:13


Do You Selah?      There’s a Hebrew word that I love — even though it can frustrate me sometimes. The word is Selah.

One of the frustrations is that the meaning is a mystery for our modern understanding. Despite it being found seventy-four times in Scripture — mostly in the Book of Psalms, and also in Habakkuk — its meaning is uncertain. Some interpret it as meaning “silence” or “pause;” others, “end” or “a louder strain.”

I choose to think of it as a pause, which implies silence — time for reflection and listening.

For me, I struggle sometimes with pausing at the stressful moments. To take the necessary time to listen to instruction. Even when some kind soul takes the time to offer instruction, I can have trouble focusing enough to listen.

This happens when my perceived understanding is that I have to rush — I can’t pause for a few extra minutes to get the needed counsel to complete the task well.

Pausing is breathing. Pausing is slowing down our brain enough to listen and allows into our brain new instructions and insights that could alter the outcome. Pausing is humbling ourselves to accept something we need.

By practicing selah, we can better hear our Heavenly Father’s still small voice (1 Kings 19:12). And that’s a good thing.

Think More About It

How do you practice selah?

Until tomorrow, may we pause and listen to instructions, my friends.

Tremble, but do not sin!
Search your heart while on your bed, and be silent. Selah  Psalm 4:5, TLV

Great reminder verse for us all, especially for those in Israel whose day can begin and end in fear. It is natural to be afraid that a bomb might hit your home or child’s school or bus. But where we remain—in fear or faith—is still our choice. The concept of overwhelming fear being a sin is not a New Testament theme. Pausing to search our heart means we focus on how to turn our hearts from fear to faith—and ultimately, peace. Shall we pray this together for our brothers and sisters in Israel? Amen. God bless you!

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