Daily Word: Does it Compute? Proverbs 1:22

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

“How long will you naïve ones love simplicity, you scoffers delight in scoffing, and you fools hate knowledge?” Proverbs 1:22, TLV


Does it Compute?       Our country is amazing, nevertheless, we are still a work in progress, no question. Which is why studying and living wisdom is so important. With the year we’ve experienced thus far, we can all use new revelations, deeper insights, and reminders of GOD’s truth — and His love.

Look Closer

I like simple. Simple is okay — sometimes it’s even great. But there are times when our Heavenly Father wants me to look closer. Looking past the surface to see what He sees.

To not scoff at something different because it’s unfamiliar or uncomfortable or not the way I’ve always done things.

Discernment, understanding, and knowledge is wisdom’s support system. The only way to develop those attributes is to move past the simple — surface— understanding to a developed one. To approach knowledge with humility and gratitude.

These days there is a lot to process. I don’t know about you, but my tendency is to look for easy answers. If it doesn’t compute immediately, I want to move on. That’s not going to serve us well, my friends. We’re going to need to dig deeper. Ask the difficult questions. Pay attention to the real answers. In all this, we will find GOD’s wisdom.

Think More About It

How do you “compute” GOD’s wisdom when difficulties arise? Please share your thoughts and testimonies.

May we take the time to compute GOD’s wisdom, my friends.        


Praying for Israel—Prayer Prompts

Surely You desire truth in the inner being.
Make me know wisdom inwardly. Psalm 51:8, TLV

Backing truth is important, right? But sometimes we can be all action and no insights—deeper insights. I think it’s important to pause and evaluate our actions to be sure we haven’t stepped away from the path of wisdom and understanding. Join me in this prayer for Israel—and all believers for that matter—today? God bless you.

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