Daily Word: Does It Make a Difference? Proverbs 13:6

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

Righteousness guards one who walks in integrity,
but wickedness overthrows the sinner. Proverbs 13:6, TLV



Does it Make a Difference?     It’s the cause-and-effect scenario. God’s physics. What we sow is what we reap. Right?

These days the reaping doesn’t appear to be very righteous, does it. What has been sown in the past is now harvesting some challenges — even though we didn’t do the sowing. It can feel like our efforts to maintain a culture of integrity are lost in a sea of confusion and wickedness.

The good that we do doesn’t seem to make a difference. It doesn’t guard us from evil, it alerts evil to our existence.

More of God’s Physics

The thing is, we see with mortal eyes. We don’t see how our piece — our walk — fits together in the larger picture.

Does our obedience and integrity make a difference? You bet. If what we do affects our life and those around us, and most importantly, our relationship with our Heavenly Father, then it is worth it.

Besides, we don’t live this life of obedience and integrity to get something. We already got “something” — the best something — redemption and adoption by the Creator of the Universe because of His Son’s sacrifice.

We live out our lives in gratitude for what we have already received. Let our Heavenly Father take care of the rest.

Think More About It

Have you felt discouraged lately by the state of our country? Our world? How could God’s Physics help encourage you?

Until tomorrow, may our Creator and Father’s physics comfort and encourage us. Please pray for Israel, that they would be encouraged by our Father’s physics in the midst of such pain and sorrow. God bless you!

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