Daily Word: Does Truth Rule? Proverbs 29:12

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

If a ruler listens to lies, all his servants will be wicked. Proverbs 29:12, TLV


Does Truth Rule?     If we create an environment that accepts lies, truth will eventually leave. There’s no room for it. When truth tries to surface, it is crowded out.

Lies have a large “family.” These family members include:

  • rumors
  • gossip
  • duplicity
  • flattery
  • an unwillingness to accept responsibility

Once we foster an environment for the “family of lies,” it becomes increasingly difficult to tell the difference between lies and truth.

St. Augustine said: The truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.

I like the image of that. Truth having power and the freedom to be truth.

Be Diligent

We must be diligent for the truth. Sometimes that diligence takes time to discern if something is true or not. Until we know, we don’t promote it as truth.

It doesn’t matter how many times a lie is repeated — with passion — it will never become truth. We should probably remember that when we watch the news, read the paper, visit various social media sites, and so on. Don’t accept something as truth prematurely. It could be partial truth, and partial lies — which is deception.

Scriptures instruct us to discern spirits (1 John 4:1). This is because some spirits emanate from the “father of lies.” Truth comes from our Heavenly Father.

Think More About It

Have you encountered the family of lies at work, home, congregation, community? How have you handled it?

Until tomorrow, may we foster an environment of truth, my friends.

I did not hide Your righteousness within my heart.
Rather I declared Your faithfulness and Your salvation.
I did not conceal Your lovingkindness
and Your truth from the great assembly.

ADONAI [LORD] do not withhold Your compassions from me.
Let Your mercy and Your truth always protect me. Psalm 40:11-12, TLV

Truth in the media—that includes social media—has become unreliable at best, purposefully deceptive at worst. It’s important to remember that most news sources are for-profit machines. In other words, they are in business to make money. Drama produces money. Agendas make money.

Israel is not very good at promotion or marketing—they never have been. Which, unfortunately, leaves them tumbling in the wake of the more savvy marketing machines. The loud voices. Today, I’m praying for truth to reign. Truth to make its way out of the mire of lies and half-truths to rise and shine. To rule. Amen? God bless you! Please keep praying.

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