Daily Word: Even When Your Heart is Broken…  Proverbs 15:23

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

A person has joy in an appropriate answer—how good is a timely word. Proverbs 15:23, TLV


Even When Your Heart is Broken…     Have you ever experienced this? The sweet joy of providing the perfect word from God for another person? It’s amazing. It connects us with Him and another of His loved ones in one of those holy moments.

Did you know that it doesn’t matter what is going on in our lives, where we are emotionally and physically, and sometimes even spiritually, the Holy Spirit can impart insights for others through us?

I can remember moments that were the lowest points in my life and then my Heavenly Father shows up giving me wisdom to impart to others. They are some of the most precious memories — and I can’t even remember what I said, because they were His words.

Even in the Grief

When my dear earthly father passed on, it took me to the greatest pain I’d ever felt. How would I live with such pain and grief? The day of his funeral, I awoke with such peace that surpassed my understanding (Philippians 4:7). In that peace I was able to see other’s needs and speak comfort into their pain.

Another time, the pain I thought could never get worse, did. Out of respect to the other person, I can only share that it is the fear of any mother. I was worried, rejected, and felt like a failure as a woman and mother.

A wise woman spoke comfort and encouragement to me through the stall door in the ladies’ room of our congregation. As I sobbed, she exhorted me to not let the enemy of our souls win. That I wasn’t defeated. God was still there. He knew my pain. And He knew how this would all work out.

Later that day, my husband and I were asked to pray for others in our congregation. Before we began, I asked my heavenly Father to allow me to be the conduit for His love and insights because there was nothing I could give. It was one of the most beautiful times of prayer we experienced. And it lasted much longer than we had prayed in the past. I just let His appropriate answers and timely words come through. It was a gift of joy.

Even if Your Heart is Broken

I want to encourage you that even if your heart is broken, you feel you have nothing of value, or you feel like a failure, if you pay attention, God can still use you for His Kingdom. You can feel the joy that comes from connecting with Him in the pain, and then, fulfilling His calling to share whatever it is He wants us to say or do.

Joy from the ashes.

Think More About It

Have you had those miraculous moments when in your pain, there was purpose and joy?

Until tomorrow, may He use us for His glory and our joy this day, my friends.

My soul weeps with grief. Make me stand firm with Your word. Psalm 119:28, TLV

This day, let us again together to pray for our brothers and sisters in Messiah that even as their soul weeps, their faith stands firm, and their hope is reflected in word and deed. God bless you.

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