Daily Word: Ever Receive “The Look?” Proverbs 20:8

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

A king sitting on the throne to judge separates out all evil with his eyes. Proverbs 20:8, TLV


Ever Receive “The Look?”      You know the Look that penetrates through any layers of excuses or defenses to the core of our heart? For sure we probably received the Look from our parents. Probably a discerning teacher or police officer — maybe even a judge.

Have you ever given the Look?

Walking in God-given authority can go a long way in disciplining our children or students, but it can also come in handy at other times.

The Look

I remember my husband and I going to a singing competition to support our daughter. This was a rough venue in a bad neighborhood in Philadelphia. The event had bouncers and people who frisked you for weapons before you entered.

We got in line to be frisked — men in one line, women in another. The woman who frisked the females was tough-looking — which was understandable given the circumstances.

As I waited in line, I was feeling more and more uncomfortable with the idea of a stranger putting their hands on me. My daughter and her friend went through, and it was my turn. Standing in front of the “frisker” I remembered thinking, “No.” And I looked straight into her eyes—which were lovely, by the way.

I was a good twelve inches shorter than her, and a pasty white woman, but I gave her the Look I’d give my own daughter. That I wasn’t going to put up with this foolishness.

Her hands hovered around me nervously. She looked down and said, “You’re good.”


Sometimes I wonder if we have more authority than we realize. That those in sin might be affected by the Holy Spirit in us. Convicted. Hopeful. And more than anything, hopeful.

Think More About It

Do you have a story to share, where you gave or received the Look? I’d love to hear yours.

Until tomorrow, may we separate evil with our eyes, my friends.

When the three columns blew the shofarot [Shofars/ram’s horns] and broke the pitchers, they held the torches in their left hands and the shofarot in their right hands to blow, and they shouted,
“A sword for ADONAI [the LORD] and for Gideon!” Each one stood in his place around the camp, and then the entire army ran, shouting as they fled. Now when they blew the 300 shofarot, ADONAI set every man’s sword against his fellow throughout the entire army. So, the army fled … Judges 7:20-22, TLV

Israel has a history of ADONAI fighting their battles. Against insurmountable odds, without lifting swords in action, enemies fled—and in some cases they fought in confusion against themselves. As we pray together may we bring these examples to mind to our Heavenly Father and our Captain of the Hosts, Yeshua. We do this not because He is forgetful, but to stand in faith and agreement. God bless you and Shabbat Shalom!

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