Daily Word: Every Season Holds Beauty… Proverbs 1:2-3

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

…to acquire wisdom and discipline, to understand the words of insight, to receive instruction in wise behavior, righteousness, justice and fairness… Proverbs 1:2-3, TLV


Every Season Holds Beauty.    It’s time to roll back the scroll for October. We begin another round of Proverbs with:

  • new revelations,
  • reminders of how to walk wisdom’s journey, and
  • deeper insights that apply to new seasons in our life.

October is such a lovely part of Autumn. It’s the start of the yawn that will usher in the sleep of winter. With leaves that remind us that every stage of life carries beauty. A time of settling into the harvest of what was sown months ago.

The harvest reminds us of the rewards of wisdom, discipline, and perseverance. The tiny seeds planted in soil in spring produce the harvest that sees us through the winter months when the ground must rest.

So they sow fields and plant vineyards
that yield a fruitful harvest. Psalm 107:37, TLV

That’s how I think the repetitive nature of reading the Proverbs. When we read a seed of wisdom each day, that teaching is planted inside our hearts, minds, spirits. Just as those seeds or prepared branches grow, we know that the harvest will come. Proverbs nurture our spirit and cause us to grow up strong.

So, as we begin again in Proverbs, I pray that the Holy Spirit continue to instruct you so that you’ll harvest new revelations, reminders of how to walk wisdom’s journey, and deeper insights that will apply to this season of your life.

Think More About It

What new revelations, reminders and deeper insights are you harvesting at this season?

Until tomorrow, may we roll back the scroll, my friends.

Then ADONAI [the LORD] spoke to Moses saying: “Speak to Bnei-Yisrael [the Children of Israel] and tell them: These are the appointed moadim [times, days, seasons] of ADONAI, which you are to proclaim to be holy convocations—My moadim. Leviticus 23:1-2, TLV

Did you know those that seek to destroy Israel and her people know God’s appointed times? They know how important they are to the Jewish people, which is why we need to pray especially for protection and wisdom because there are plans already in play that will seek to rob, steal, and destroy them. It’s serious, yes. But we need to curb our fear and redirect our thoughts toward our Heavenly Father. That’s a battle in of itself. A worthy battle that can be won. God bless you!

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