“Adonai will fight for you, while you hold your peace.” Exodus 14:14, TLV

Let’s think about this. A mighty army is pressing down on the Children of Israel from behind. A great sea is before them. There are children, babies, women in a family way, grandparents. “Hold your peace?” Now, because we know how the story goes, we can rationalize our responses and say, “Well, look at all the miracles and wonders God had done before, why didn’t they just believe?”
I have to chuckle. When we read this verse alone, it sounds like a mighty proclamation spoken by Moses, but read the next verse:
Then Adonai said to Moses, “Why are you crying to Me? Tell Bnei-Yisrael to go forward.” Exodus 14:15, TLV
Sounds to me like Moses might have had some doubts himself, maybe even a little whine in that proclamation. Honestly, I would probably do more than whine — I’d melt into a puddle where I stood. It would be difficult to “hold my peace” when I see the challenges before me.
But at some point, Moses looked up to the LORD. Had God told Moses before Pharaoh’s army descended upon them that if he got in a tough spot at the sea, be sure to stretch his staff over the waters? Not that is recorded anywhere. Why would Moses even think to do that?
This is one of the most powerful examples of faith — what some might call “blind faith” — in the Holy Scriptures. It’s even greater than Peter taking that first step on the water. The fate of Israel rested on the faith and obedience of Moses.
Where am I going with this?
I guess my takeaway is this, sometimes faith is messy and clunky. It’s not angelic choirs vocalizing as we say we believe and step out in faith. No, sometimes it’s like “Oo-kaay, LORD. I’ll do it. I hope it works.” (Said with a strong whine in our voice.) Guess what, that’s okay.
One of my favorite verses on faith is:
Immediately the boy’s father cried out, “I believe! Help my unbelief!” Mark 9:24, TLV
Isn’t that powerful? Real? Vulnerable? And, it’s not the pristine declaration of faith. No angelic choirs.
So, when we’ve got an army behind us and a sea before us, call out to the LORD: “I believe. Help me overcome my unbelief!” Then watch what happens.