Daily Word: Finish the Puzzle. Proverbs 28:20

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

A faithful man will have many blessings, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished. Proverbs 28:20, TLV


Finish the Puzzle.     Are you a puzzle person? All those little interlocking pieces that can only be assembled one way? Right? Well, yes and no. While we can’t force puzzle pieces to go together — ever try doing that? — we have some flexibility in how we complete the puzzle.

OY! How Do I Begin?

Did you know there are thousands of sites that teach a person how to put together a jigsaw puzzle? Basically, most recommend:

  • Construct the frame with the outside pieces. Connect the edge pieces.
  • Use the picture on the box as you work on the puzzle to orient yourself.
  • Complete different color groups.
  • Look at the shape of the pieces.
  • Arrange your colored sections.

Puzzles are Like Our Wisdom’s Journey . . .

I was struck by the symbolism of these instructions with our Wisdom’s Journey.

  • Begin simply, by assembling the easy pieces. Reading Proverbs each day during those early years, we make those fundamental changes in our behavior as we go. We don’t get all the pieces to the whole picture, but we make a start.
  • Always refer back to the picture on the box. For us, it’s always about referring to God’s picture of wisdom. He has a very clear, beautiful picture in His Word. We may think it’s impossible to achieve the “picture” for our life, but it’s not.
  • Compiling different color groups. This is like reading a chapter of Proverbs, but then choosing one “color” — one verse — to meditate on. See how it connects with our challenges for each day. The LORD is training us to “spot” the color of wisdom in each circumstance in our life.
  • Examining the shape of the pieces. In order for the pieces to fit, they must be the right shape. We might think a piece is the right color, has part of the picture we need, but it’s not the right fit. Sometimes someone gives us what appears to be right advice, but it just doesn’t fit. A closer inspection reveals it’s really not the right piece and forcing it only creates problems
  • Arrange the colored sections. Probably one of the greatest acts of faith is to assemble little sections of the puzzle. They sit disconnected to the whole puzzle because we’re not ready for that section. In our Wisdom’s Journey we can get overwhelmed with the disjointed understanding we have. Don’t give up. Keep assembling. Eventually the puzzle will be completed, and things will make sense.

In today’s proverb, a faithful soul will see that “puzzle” through and will be blessed. While someone distracted by other pursuits — like seeking riches — may think they have enough of the puzzle solved that they can move on, but it will cause them a lot of heartache.

In the puzzles of life, taking the time to assemble all the pieces will go a long way toward success. And that is definitely a blessing.

Think More About It

What “puzzle” are you working on these days? How are you going about assembling the pieces of a solution or understanding of that puzzle?

Until tomorrow, may we finish the puzzle, my friends.

There are many pieces to the Israel puzzle. May we continue to pray for wisdom and discernment as we stand with Israel. God bless you and Shabbat Shalom.

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