“Ho, everyone who thirsts,
come to the water,
and you who have no money,
come, buy and eat.
Come, buy wine and milk
without money and without cost!
Why do you spend money for what is not bread?
Your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen diligently to Me, and eat what is good,
and delight yourself in abundance.” Isaiah 55:1-2, TLV
Food that Nourishes? We know these verses have nothing to do with food or drink. When God talks about the basics of life — food, drink, home, work, rest — there’s always a deeper message. At the highest level, He is asking Israel — and us — what are we working for? What are we investing our heart, mind, and bodies into. Does it truly “feed” us? Nourish us? Quench the thirst in our soul?
Those are important questions for us today, too.
I just spent 30 minutes watching Instagram videos of which 5% of them fed my spirit. That means I spent my “wages” of 28.5 minutes on something that truly didn’t satisfy.
Seek ADONAI [the LORD] while He may be found,
call on Him while He is near. Isaiah 55: 6, TLV
Every moment of this life is a gift. It may not feel that way all the time when grief, pain, or lack invades our lives, because, it feels like we can’t buy much with those wages. Actually, there’s a lot we can buy. There’s comfort, appreciation, and a purposeful quiet for us to seek our Father in a deeper more profound way. Our efforts can be spent in drowning our sorrows or distracting ourselves. Or, seeking the greatest source of our fulfillment and comfort.
This doesn’t mean we don’t enjoy rest and recreation. We’re built for rest and work. Our rest can actually feed and nourish us. Too much and it ceases to be edifying to our spirits. Too little and we pay another price with our bodies, minds, and our spirit.
Our redemption came at a great cost. It’s a free gift from our Father and His Son. Remembering this is good as we use our “wages” for what will nourish and edify. Let’s budget wisely, yes?
Think More About It
How do we “spend our wages”? Do we partake of the “free” nourishments?
Until tomorrow, may we partake of the rich nourishment our Father provides.
Praying for Israel
Set a guard, ADONAI [LORD], over my mouth.
Keep watch over the door of my lips.
Let not my heart turn to any evil thing,
to practice deeds of wickedness
with men that work iniquity,
nor let me eat of their delicacies. Psalm 141:3-4, TLV
As more hostages are reunited with family, the discovery of all they have been through begins. Can you imagine? The torture, fear, hopelessness. As they process, I was thinking of their loved ones. How do they keep their hearts from stewing in anger and despair? Can they provide a peaceful environment—one not filled with anger—for the precious souls to heal?
That’s why I chose this passage. Let’s pray that these loved ones’ hearts turn away from vengeful thoughts. That they keep watch over their lips and not feed on anger. Let’s seek the LORD for their healing as well. Amen? God bless you.