Repent, therefore, and return—so your sins might be blotted out . . . Acts 3:19, TLV
God Loves U-Turns. We discussed this recently, but I think this bears repeating. See if you agree.
The Hebrew word for repent is “teshuvah,” which literally means to turn or return—change direction. The Greek “metanoiete,” follows a similar, but subtly different definition. Derived from the root, “nous” it means changing the mind.
While repenting is changing our mind about our behavior, it’s not quite the same as to turn away or return to the place—God—before we sinned. I like the image of turning and returning. We were heading in one direction, and because we realize our sin, we turn away and return to God. A U-turn.
Repent and “Convert”?
Oh, by the way, the translations that use “repent and convert” as in “convert to Christianity”? With all due respect, not accurate. The context of this verse is Peter — a Jewish disciple — preaching to a Jewish crowd during a Jewish gathering (Shavuot—Pentecost) in Jerusalem. Added to this, there was no “Christianity” or that term, at that time. It was simply Jewish people who realized their Messiah was indeed Yeshua — Jesus — and it was time to return to their Father.
Turning and Returning
In original Jewish thought, repentance is a natural and purposeful act. Every day, the priests were responsible for sacrificing innocent animals for the sins of the people. The people took part in that sacrifice by surrendering their own livestock or grain. There was a cost, every day.
Each day rather than going to the fields, they turned and returned to the Tabernacle and gave their offering to the priests, who then offered it to the LORD on their behalf.
Physical and Spiritual
One of the first things I learned when joining the Jewish community (over 25 years ago), and worshipping with the Messianic community (Jewish people who believe in Jesus), was that their faith is physical, not just spiritual.
What do I mean by that?
Growing up in the church, we spiritualized the legacy and history of the Bible because it’s not our physical history — not our physical ancestors. We’re grafted in (Romans 11:11-36) as wild branches. Praise the LORD!
Not so the Jewish people. Even today. Today, a sukkah is still constructed for the Feast of Tabernacles — splinters and all. Matzah — unleavened bread — is still eaten for eight days during Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The lulav and etrog are still waved at Sukkot. These applicable Biblical commandments (outside the Temple) are still physically done today, as well as meditation on the spiritual applications.
Why mention this? Because if we only spiritualize, it’s too easy to live in our heads. If we live in our own heads, we can justify a lot of strange thoughts. Or use a context and culture that doesn’t coincide with the original text.
Therefore, when we physically “teshuvah” make that U-turn away — turn off the porn, walk away from temptation, bite our tongue — we can truly return to right relationships with God and others. Every. Single. Day. And that is good for the soul and the spirit.
Think More About It
How have you defined repentance? What does it look like in your daily walk? Remember, I love your insights and testimonies.
Until tomorrow, remember God loves U-turns.
Praying for Israel—Prayer Prompts
… who does not slander with his tongue,
does not wrong his neighbor,
and does not disgrace his friend,
who despises a vile person in his eyes,
but honors those who fear ADONAI [the LORD],
who keeps his oath even when it hurts,
and does not change,
who lends his money without usury,
and takes no bribe against the innocent.
One who does these things will never be shaken. Psalm15:3-5, TLV
Sometimes, there are times when not changing sets us apart from the world—in a good way. We learn. Gain wisdom. Experience. But ultimately there are certain principles that are eternal.
The acts in today’s prayer prompt are examples. So, how do we pray? Similar to the Prophet Daniel who stood in the gap for Israel for confession (Daniel 9). Let’s stand in the gap for all followers of Yeshua, especially those being tried in such a tough way. Amen? God bless you.