My help comes from ADONAI [LORD],
Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:2, TLV
God’s Perspective. From time to time, I need reminding. Where I put my glasses. Adding butter to the shopping list. But a truly important reminder is about perspective. GOD’s perspective.
When we think our problems are impossible and overwhelming, we sometimes forget who our Father is — the Creator of the Universe. That’s what today’s verse reminds me of. Our help comes from the Maker of heaven and earth.
Now, how He resolves our impossible and overwhelming dilemmas, well, that’s up to Him. If we remember He knows how the universe works, then He can probably manage our issues. Don’t you think?
Why is this help available to us? Because of His Son. His Son who redeemed us and made it possible to call the Creator of the Universe, Father, Abba, Dad. A redemption that came at such a cost — because of His love. Another of GOD’s perspective — the best one.