Daily Word: How Do We Know When and Where to Give? Proverbs 28:17

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

One who gives to the poor will not lack, but one who shuts his eyes will have many curses. Proverbs 28:27, TLV


Do We Know When and Where to Give?     With the cacophony of voices in the media and social media, the images of poverty and catastrophe seem overwhelming. A pervasive sense of the impossibility of making a difference can keep us from doing anything. Or worse, we ignore the faces, the needs, the good works that need help. Either way, the results are the same, we do nothing.

So how do we know when and where to give?

Begin at Home

Scripture tells us to begin at home. Our family, our congregation, our neighborhood, our community, and our city. Then, we expand our world of giving to others. With thousands of charitable organizations, how do we choose?

Pray. Pray for GOD’s discernment for us. Not for others—for us. If everyone gave to one ministry, thousands of other works would wither away. He has called us to the works He wants us to support. And that’s not necessarily the ones our friends and family give to.

If there are ministries that benefit us personally, then giving back is a sweet way to help. If there are ministries that support us emotionally, physically, and spiritually, of course we want to give back. And then there are those whom GOD has shown us to sow our precious resources into today.

Called to Give

GOD calls us to give. After our congregational tithes and offerings, He’s pretty clear about giving to those in need and those working to help those in need. We won’t lack by giving wisely, joyfully, and in obedience. We have that promise, too.

Think More About It

What lessons has God shown you about giving?

Until tomorrow, may we give with no lack, my friends.

ADONAI [the LORD] sits enthroned over the flood.
Yes, ADONAI sits as King forever.
ADONAI gives strength to His people.
ADONAI blesses His people with shalom. Psalm 29:10-11, TLV

Today, shall we pray for strength for His people? Strength and shalom—peace? We pray this despite the circumstances around us—or perhaps because of them—because He sits above the fray. Above the chaos. Shall we agree together? God bless you and Shabbat Shalom!

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