Daily Word: Is it a Diversion? Proverbs 15:21

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

Folly is joy to one who lacks sense, but one with discernment walks straight. Proverbs 15:21, TLV


Is it a Diversion?     I have a bit of ADHD. At least that’s the excuse I use when I get distracted in mid-sentence. Maybe it’s just age. Seriously, I’ve always had difficulty focusing. As a writer this can be problematic. Over the years, I’ve adapted by giving myself mental breathers for a few minutes when I feel that fog.

Even if we don’t have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, we live in a world of distractions that pull us off task. From entertainment options to social media, to petty arguments, tribulations, difficult challenges, even ministry pursuits, we can be diverted from our Father’s plan for us.


How do we discern between the things we are to walk through, and the distractions intended to yank us off course?

We begin with prayer. Is the distraction diverting us from the original journey or goal? Does it seek to divide or alienate? When we think of changing course, does it generate a sense of anxiousness?

Sometimes what we think is a diversion is our Father’s redirection. The original path was His way of getting us into position to show us the true destination. A destination we could not have seen at the beginning. This is why discernment is so important. Just remember the original vision the LORD gives us. The folly is forgetting His goals. Because the plans for us are good (Jeremiah 29:11).

Think More About It

How do we discern between God’s change of direction and a distraction. Can you share an example of how you did this?

Until tomorrow, may we walk straight, my friends.

It’s easy to get distracted from praying for Israel, so much is going on. But know that prayer is speaking to our Heavenly Father. He knows our heart, so we don’t have to be eloquent or passionate every time.  Just pray, my friends. God bless you!

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