Daily Word: Is There Delight in Your Soul? Proverbs 29:17

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

Correct your son and he will give you rest. He will bring delight to your soul. Proverbs 29:17, TLV


Is There Delight in Your Soul?     For those with young children, we know the sleepless nights of colic, sickness, potty training, etc. But, what of the sleepless nights and heartache from our young adult and adult children?

As parents, guardians, and mentors, we know the concern for those young adults entering a big world. Even young people who walk with the LORD can cause us a few restless nights on their behalf.

Pray, Comfort, Listen . . .

Should we even have the sleepless nights? At what point do we give our kids over to their Heavenly Father — completely? At every point. And that’s where we wrestle into the wee hours sometimes.

Ultimately, we are the stewards of these precious gifts as they prepare for adulthood. We do the best we can with what we know. Repent for what we didn’t do right, then rest in a loving and merciful GOD as we pray that their lives will honor Him.

In the meantime, we pray for them. Teach them. Comfort them. Rejoice with them. Listen to them. Forgive them.

For those parents with children who delight their souls — you are incredibly blessed.

For those parents who know the heartache of children who give little or no rest, know that our Father will give us peace as we press into Him. Watch for the little moments when you see them be who GOD called them to be and cherish them and those moments.

Think More About It

Is there delight in your soul? Or are your nights restless? Can it be both?

Until tomorrow, may we know rest and delight in our children, my friends.


Praying for Israel

Give ear, O God, to my prayer
and do not ignore my plea for help.
Listen to me and answer me.
I am restless in my complaint and moan—
because of the voice of the enemy,
because of the pressure of the wicked.
For they thrust trouble on me,
and in anger bear a grudge against me. Psalm 55:2-4, TLV

I imagine there are many restless nights in Israel. Yet, these stalwart souls continue to live life the best they can. Would we? Today, let’s pray in solidarity with the people of Israel—Jew, Arab, Christian—for peace and protection. To acknowledge the reality in this passage, and then land in faith’s territory. Amen? God bless you!

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