“I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.” John 10:11, TLV

One of Israel’s greatest fears was to be as a flock of sheep without a shepherd — to be abandoned by God. This chapter is filled with symbolisms the Jewish people would understand. Yet, initially, they didn’t really understand what Yeshua was saying. It wasn’t until Jesus made it personal, that people understood.
In today’s verse, Yeshua makes clear His willingness to lay down His life for His sheep.
This verse is significant for many reasons. One reason I feel needs reminding, especially these days.
A question
If I were to ask the question: Who killed Jesus? What would be our answer? Here’s the difficult part. If our very first thought wasn’t, “I killed Jesus.” or “We killed Jesus.” Then it is important to engrave this chapter, this verse into our heart.
The reason Yeshua came to this earth was to atone for our sins — in other words, to die. It was His choice out of love. Love first for His Father. Then for us.
To persist in answering the question, “Who killed Jesus?” in any other way, raises other issues I’m not prepared to address at this time.
Let’s remember this. Our Heavenly Father loved us so much, He sent His Son to lay down His life for us. God’s Son loved His Father, and us, so much He laid His life down for us. That’s what we need to know and remember.
Please pray Psalm 122.