Daily Word: Lessons in Context—Fear. 2 Timothy 1:7

Terri GillespieDaily Word Leave a Comment

For God has not given us a spirit of timidity but of power and love and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7, TLV


Lessons in the Context—Fear.       In Paul’s second letter to his “spiritual” son, Timothy, he exhorts Timothy to press on without him.

This letter is written by Paul in prison and is his last letter to Timothy before he dies. Paul has taught young Timothy for years, and now the young man will not have his mentor as he assumes his role as leader in Ephesus, because Paul knows his days are numbered.

Two Lessons

There are two powerful lessons here: 1) training the youth to become leaders and 2) preparing the youth to be on their own.

I think, too often, we forget the second part in the mentoring and parenting process. A close, healthy relationship will struggle with letting go, but will press in.

Joshua had the privilege of working side-by-side with Moses until the very end, Timothy didn’t. Paul did much of his training through letters, which no doubt had been read and re-read by the young man. It must not have seemed real that the great Paul would really die after having survived so many trials.

Most likely, Paul knew Timothy would be intimidated. Fearful. So Paul’s exhortation to not be timid or afraid and operate in power, love, and self-discipline was contexed in years of training and mentoring—and living by example.

Context is Key

I had a lot of fear—I operated in fear. And hence I was timid. When well-meaning folks would remind me of this passage, I didn’t have the context or their experience and mentorship to put these truths into practice. It wasn’t until the Holy Spirit took me through the process of understanding the roots of that fear and timidity that I began to see breakthroughs. Before that process—oy!—my attempts at “not being timid” failed in so many embarrassing ways.

Can you identify?

A Third Lesson?

I was thinking this morning, perhaps there is a third lesson for us. The words we share in print do have great impact — for good or destruction. And we can impact lives with the words of eternal life and truth. To prepare the youth for leadership to assume their role in God’s plan for the earth. But that comes with commitment—not just words.

If we’ve learned anything from COVID, we’ve learned we can do a lot while “imprisoned” in our homes. Let’s take what we’ve learned and make an even greater impact for His kingdom. Amen?

Think More About It

Do you struggle with fear or timidity? What have you learned that can have a positive impact on others?

Until tomorrow, may we operate in power, love, and self-discipline, my friend.


Praying for Israel

Be gracious to me, ADONAI [LORD], for I am weak.
Heal me, ADONAI—for my bones are shuddering with fear, as is my soul—
and You, ADONAI—how long? Psalm 6:3-4, TLV

I imagine our fears are based on what could happen, right? Perhaps we’ve had some experience, but for most of us, it’s our imagination that gets the better of us.

Imagine experiencing real fear—that our life and our loved ones are in danger. I think of our friends’ five-year old daughter, when coming to America to visit, her first question is, “Where is the bomb shelter.” That is a real fear—a present danger. So, when we pray today, let’s couch this in love and understanding. Amen? God bless you!

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