Daily Word: Listening to Teachers? Proverbs:13-14

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

I would not listen to my teacher’s voice or incline my ear to my instructors. I was almost in utter ruin amid the community and congregation. Proverbs 5:13-14, TLV


Listening to Teachers?     How many teachers and instructors do you have in your life? One? Ten? Twenty? More? Our heavenly Father has systems and resources in place for His children — no matter the age.

An important “cog” in this system are mentors, teachers, and instructors. They reside in our congregations, communities, jobs, and homes. And despite what I have said about not being dependent upon virtual friends and counselors, we can still learn from them. When we have a discerning ear.

Our Father’s wisdom is all around us, but in order to distinguish between His Voice and the world’s, we must know His word.

“My sheep hear My voice. I know them, and they follow Me.” John 10:27, TLV

There’s no shortcut for that. It’s reading the Bible — as best you can — each day. And, as I’ve said, if you’re short on time, reading a chapter of Proverbs each day is a quick infusion of “spiritual protein.”

When we know our Shepherd’s Voice and recognize it in the counsel and teaching of others, keep those folks close to you. Gather them and cherish them.

Donkey Moments

Sometimes we can have what I call “Balaam’s Donkey Moments.” This is when God speaks through unusual and atypical sources. We can be sensitive to those rare moments because we know when it’s His Voice.

I actually had a very odd stranger give me the most bizarre insight into a very real situation. I didn’t realize it at the time, but later when the incident occurred, I realized God was preparing me for what was to come.

Whether typical or atypical, hearing from the Lord through others is a gift from our Father. Another gift that protects us from making unwise and foolish decisions. And that’s a good thing.

Think More About It

Do you have trusted teachers and/or advisors in your life? Have you ever had a Donkey Moment?

Until tomorrow, may we hear God’s Voice in the teachers, mentors, and instructors He sends our way, my friends. And perhaps, even the occasional donkey.

Hear my prayer, ADONAI [LORD],
and listen to my cry—
do not keep silent at my tears.
For with You I am an outsider, a sojourner,
as all my fathers were.” Psalm 39:13-14, TLV


I think we’ve all felt the alienation that can happen because we are followers of Yeshua. Now, imagine a nation like Israel being alienated—more than that despised for just being Jewish. Here’s a deeper issue. Think of the thousands and thousands of His followers in Israel who are pushed away from family and friends because of their faith—both Jewish and Arab.

Today, let’s especially remember our brothers and sisters by faith in Jesus. They serve their country and communities every day. Let us remember and pray for their peace, protection, insights, and purpose. God bless you.

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