When you cast your eyes on riches, it is gone; for it surely sprouts wings and flies off into the sky like an eagle. Proverbs 23:5, TLV
Little Compromises? The context of this proverb is about unbalanced priorities, and how this imbalance can draw us away from our Heavenly Father and our families.
Today’s passage talks about what happens when we focus on riches, how unstable that is. Wealth is fleeting and deceptive. Then it stands to reason that the pursuit of riches can be fleeting and deceptive. Even more concerning is that this imbalance can change our motivations and commitments as followers of Jesus. As a result, it moves our heart away from our Father and our family.
As with most temptations, the shift in our heart away from the Father is the most heinous part. When we “cast our eye” on a possession or lifestyle we want, the “little” temptations can be overlooked. Those “little” ones change our direction slowly but surely. Each compromise shifts us farther away from our LORD.
The “Little” Compromises
The shift begins with the “little” compromises, like:
- Justifying our pursuit of the want, by calling it a need.
- Blowing our budget to attain it.
- Ignoring our beliefs and commitments.
- Working more hours and strategizing new ways to acquire more.
- Neglecting our family, faith, and home.
- Allowing fear to keep us from following Yeshua’s “Golden Rule” to do unto others what we want done for us (Matthew 7:12).
- Use the excuse of taking care of our families for hoarding, even stealing.
- Believe the world’s report and not believe GOD’s report. Then spread the world’s report to others.
Over time, the more our wants become needs the more chains attach themselves to us. Then, as so often happens, the means to attain, or the upkeep of the wealth becomes overwhelming. The wealth “flies” away and we and our family are left behind in worse shape than when we began.
There are some who have wealth that GOD uses. Those with a mantle of wealth, whose eyes are not cast on wealth, but on Him. These souls steward that wealth and hold it lightly because they know it doesn’t belong to them.
History has shown us that wealth fluctuates. It’s affected by depressions, recessions, natural and human disasters — and pandemics. These events can change our livelihood and lifestyle in a moment.
For God has not given us a spirit of timidity [fear] but of power and love and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7, TLV
The key is to not “cast our eyes” on riches, but on the Creator of the Universe. The One who knows our future — financial and otherwise. The One who can see what is coming and knows how to navigate it. Let’s cast our eyes upon Him and seek His wisdom. It is that place that is filled with His power, love, and self-discipline.
May we cast our eyes on our Father, my friends.
Think More About It
Fear is another temptation. With the current unrest in Israel and in our nation, how have you changed your focus from fear to faith?
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