“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3, TLV

Who exactly are the poor in spirit? What does it mean to be poor in spirit? When we think of a poor person — especially the way the Bible sees the poor — we think of someone of humble means, dependent, vulnerable, and hardworking. Jesus is saying that one that is poor spiritually is humble, dependent, vulnerable, and willing to work.
Have you ever met a wealthy person who was poor in spirit — who was humble, dependent upon the Lord, vulnerable and open-hearted, and hardworking? Yes, they are out there.
What about those of us in between? Not really poor, not really wealthy? Are we poor in spirit?
With the word “Blessed,” the Greek makarios corresponds to the Hebrew word asher. What is marvelous about Hebrew is the depth of meaning one word can have. To translate asher to makarios to blessed pales in comparison to what it could be. Asher is blessed, happy, fortunate, all at once.
So, if we are humble, dependent upon the Lord, vulnerable, yet willing to work, Yeshua is saying we are blessed, fortunate, and happy because the kingdom of heaven is ours.
The key to being poor in spirit? Gratitude.
Knowing our atonement came at the price of our Messiah’s suffering and death, reminds us of His incredible gift to us. We could never have done it ourselves. Remaining in that place of gratitude, keeps us humble, dependent, vulnerable, and willing to do anything for Him. And that is “asher!”