Daily Word: Oh, Joy? Jacob [James] 1:2-3

Terri GillespieDaily Word 2 Comments

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. Jacob (James) 1:2-3, TLV


Oh, Joy?  When those challenges and disasters arise, is our first response, “Yippee! Praise the LORD!”? Probably not. I know my natural inclination isn’t.

However, we aren’t confined to our natural dispositions. We have a choice. We can seek our Heavenly Father — the Creator of the Universe — for wisdom and comfort.

Will the joy arise then, maybe.

The joy truly arises, I believe when we reflect on what we have learned through those challenges. When we take the time to see His hand and miracles in the midst of it all.

We choose to remember all that our Heavenly Father has done for us — beginning with the breath in our lungs to what His Son sacrificed on our behalf.

As Rabbi Joe in his distinctive Philly accent used to say, “An a-tti-tude of gra-ti-tude.”

This is the day that ADONAI [the LORD] has made!
Let us rejoice and be glad in it!  (Psalm 118:24, TLV)

These reflections are so important. Taking the time to meditate on the goodness of the LORD and what He wants us to learn, helps us to grow and deepens our relationship with Him. And that’s worth being joyous over, no matter the circumstances.

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    Linda Breeden

    It is indeed about the choices. That first decision gives the courage to follow through – in faith.

    Terri Gillespie

    Beautifully said, Linda. Thank you!