She spreads out her palms to the poor,
and extends her hands to the needy. Proverbs 31:20, TLV
Open Heart. Open Hands. Ah, yes. The Proverbs 31 woman. For those who haven’t followed my devotions on Proverbs, here’s an interesting — and hopefully helpful — bit of information: Proverbs 31 is not this woman’s daily or even weekly “To Do” list. Proverbs 31 is a tribute to the lifetime accomplishments of this woman — or any woman who seeks to live a Biblical life.
Now, onward to today’s verse. This verse pivots off yesterday’s devo of 1 John. It may feel a bit redundant, however, in light of today’s world, I think it’s worth continuing this theme and dig a little deeper.
Need a Hug?
I love the imagery of how this verse was translated. “Spreads out her palms…” “Extends her hands…” The picture I see is of a woman offering an embrace — a hug. What that means to me is:
- an open heart
- someone who sees the person before them
- is willing to touch, even when that person may seem untouchable
- for however long the woman is in the needy person’s presence, she is truly engaged
Writing a check or shoving a few dollars into a cup held by a weary hand, has its place. Because sometimes it’s the only way to connect, to help. But at some point, we need to make eye contact. See. Truly see the person so that our Heavenly Father can show us how best to extend our hands.
Friendly Neighborhood Giving
The Proverbs 31 woman didn’t travel to the Ukraine or a Third World country. She lived in her community. Walked the dusty roads. Knew many of its residents which may have made connecting with those in need a bit more convenient.
I can get so overwhelmed with the needs in this world. With media coverage and social media, we know much more about the problems on our planet. So much more that I think, what can my little bit do? To make a difference?
What I need to remember is that it is not my job to fix the world by myself. It’s my job to do what Father has called and shown me to do. Because, ultimately giving is an act of loving obedience and gratitude.
The Proverbs 31 woman would agree, don’t you think?
Think More About It
How do you open your heart and your hand to your community? Not doing this yet? How would you like to? Sometimes we just need to set a goal. Let me know your thoughts.
Until tomorrow, may we have a plan in place to open our heart and our hands.
Praying for Israel
Hear my words, ADONAI [LORD],
consider my groaning.
Listen to the sound of my cry for help,
my King and my God, for I pray to you.
ADONAI, in the morning You hear my voice.
In the morning I order my prayer before You and watch expectantly. Psalm 5:2-4, TLV
We tithe our income, why not tithe our prayers—for Israel. Psalm 137:6 speaks of holding Jerusalem above our “chief joy.” That feels like a tithe of our prayers. So, here’s today’s tithe from me, LORD. Join me, my friends? God bless you.