Daily Word: Please Don’t Hate Me. Matthew 18:20

Terri GillespieDaily Word Leave a Comment

“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst.” Matthew 18:20, TLV


Please don’t hate me.      For centuries today’s verse was taken out of the context. For most of my life as a believer, my fellow worshippers and prayer warriors, used verses 19-20 as a promise from Jesus for when we pray or for spiritual warfare. The natural assumption with this lens is that if we get a bunch of believers together and they all agree that petition will come to be.

Did you know that the origin of this “interpretation” began centuries ago? The pericope (section of scripture) interpretation of verses 18-20 was misused as a means of asserting unscriptural authority over believers. As a result, understandable rebellion against unscriptural authority is to assume it for ourselves. Claiming that all we need to get what we need and/or want is other believers to pray together—because Jesus will be there.

Yeshua is always present through His Holy Spirit in us. Not only when we have corporate prayer. Corporate prayer and worship are powerful as a means to connect with God—to give Him honor and share our hearts.

So, what does this verse mean?

Context is Everything

In the whole of chapter 18, Jesus begins to transfer authority from the Pharisees to His followers. He was training them how to build a future community of His followers with a scriptural understanding of authority. That’s why this verse is nestle between how to handle an unrepentant soul, and how to forgive. Granted, the disciples were a long way from being ready, but this is part of Yeshua’s practical training and instruction to sanctify the Body of Messiah.

The terminology of binding and loosing was common terminology for prohibiting and permitting for the Jewish people. From the time of Moses, and to some degree earlier, God established a hierarchy.

For example, the tribe of Levi: God, of course, was the ultimate authority, then He appointed the tribe of Levi to serve as His “team.” Within that team, He separated one family (Aaron’s family) who would have ultimate human authority through the sacrificial system. The same within each tribe. Judges were appointed much later.

Why is This Important?

Having a more contextual and cultural understanding of chapter 18 is important because we have a lot of authority seekers out there. Souls who think they have a mature understanding of binding and loosing in their own lives and in the lives of others. That Jesus gave them that authority to use willy-nilly. Forgetting the primary, foundational truth of “God’s will be done on earth as in heaven” (Matthew 6:10), not our will.

Likewise, there is a growing trend of frustrated believers who question the sovereignty and love of God because they used this “formula”, but God didn’t answer their requests. The takeaway from repeated disappointment is discouragement and doubt.

Bursting Bubbles?

Okay. So, why did I burst some bubbles today? Because currently — with all that is going on — we need a sense of community and unity. And truth. We need those called to authority by God to prayerfully establish binding and loosing. Not with one person in authority, but with two or three — or more depending upon the circumstances — who seek Yeshua and who have an understanding of the whole of Scripture and the experience to confirm that understanding. That’s a tall order, but worthy to strive for.

Which also means, we within the community should be praying diligently for our leaders. For protection, wisdom, discernment, knowledge and understanding that is both Godly and practical. Especially now.

Needless to say—but I’ll say it anyway—while this is based on a Gospel, what I say is not Gospel. However, within the culture and context and the writings of the ancient and Messianic Jewish scholars (those who believe in Jesus), it holds some water.

Still love me?

Think More About It

Does this “interpretation” of this passage ring with your spirit? How is it, or not?

Until tomorrow, I hope you still love me.


Praying for Israel

Show me Your ways, ADONAI [LORD] Teach me Your paths.
Guide me in Your truth, and teach me,
for You are God, my salvation,
for You I wait all day.
Remember, ADONAI
Your compassions and Your mercies—
for they are from eternity. Psalm 25:4-6, TLV

This is a great “verbal” declaration for any follower of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and His Son, our Messiah. Let’s speak this in His authority as truth, exhortation, and encouragement. Amen? God bless you.

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