But I—I sing of Your strength!
Yes, in the morning I sing aloud of Your lovingkindness.
For You have been my fortress,
a refuge in the day of my trouble. Psalm 59:17[16], TLV

Do you have a good singing voice? My husband does. Our daughter has sung at the Apollo in New York and the Star Spangle Banner at a Phillies’ game and did background vocals. Me? I can sing loud and on-key for a few lines, then out of nowhere, it becomes a joyful noise. Still, I like to sing, especially in praise of worship of our Heavenly Father and His Son.
Morning singing — out loud — I’m still working on. What I noticed is that if I fill my ears with worship and praise music during the day, I wake up hearing songs in my heart. Then it’s easier to sing in the morning.
It’s such an easy thing to do, fill my day with worshipful music, joyful praise, you’d think I would remember to do it every day. But sometimes I forget. Thank the LORD verses like this remind me to sing aloud in praise for His lovingkindness.