Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me. Revelation 3:20, TLV

Context. Over the weeks, we’ve discussed various verses where Jesus says that His sheep would know His voice. As our Shepherd, we would recognize His voice as He daily guides us. We would know when a stranger tries to deceive us.
In today’s verse, John receives a vision from Yeshua for the congregation in Laodicea. The community of believers has become lukewarm in their faith — not a good thing. From the previous verses, it appears things are going pretty well for them. Because they are prosperous. Think about that. While other believers are being persecuted and martyred, the folks in Laodicea are doing just fine.
Who closed the door?
It struck me this morning, John is receiving prophetic words for congregations — believers. Who closed the door separating these believers from Yeshua?
If we read the full chapter, we see that the congregation in Philadelphia has remained faithful — the door remained open for Him to fellowship.
Have we closed the door in any way to our Messiah? Still, He stands and calls to us to open that door. Could He just go through it? Of course. But, He wants us to commit to Him. Enjoy Him. Fellowship with Him.
Is He knocking on our door?
Please pray Psalm 122.