. . . nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Messiah Yeshua our Lord. Romans 8:39, TLV

Nothing can separate us from the love of God, not even us. His love is enduring — really it has to be to deal with fallen humanity. Why He gave us the greatest gift of in the universe when we’re such a mess is beyond my understanding.
Allowing His Son to step into the role of a sacrificial lamb? Would I do that? Ask my only child to sacrifice themselves to help others who could care less about me?
Because of His love — even before we loved Him — our life should be lived in deep gratitude. Living in deep gratitude means that whatever good or bad things come into our life, we know that what our Heavenly Father did through His Son is all the blessing we could ever need. Yet, He continues to give us blessings.
This morning when we woke up, did we thank Him? When we paid a utility bill, did we thank Him? There are so many little blessings around us that remind us of the greater blessings of His love and how that love redeemed us for eternity. Look around. His love is everywhere.
Shabbat shalom!