Daily Word: Rooted to Bear Fruit, John 15:5

Terri GillespieDaily Word Leave a Comment

“I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for apart from Me, you can do nothing.” (vs. 5, TLV)

Rooted to Bear Fruit. Lately, I don’t have much of a green thumb. I’ve done well in rooting philodendron branches in a glass of water. And, I’ve gotten pretty good at the transplanting them. But, I learned something, you can’t root a fruit tree in a glass of water. It has to be grafted onto a healthy existing plant.

When I trimmed my Camellias, I tried rooting them in water. They stayed a lovely deep green for months — and even had buds I thought would flower — but eventually everything but the branch turned yellow and died. Why?

The branches needed to feed from the root implanted in the soil. The only way that could happen is if that branch is attached to the healthy vine.

If we cut ourselves off from our Savior, worship, and even fellowship, we can stay “green” for a while and even grow “buds” that may look like they’ll bloom and subsequently bear fruit, but eventually we’ll wither. We need to feed from the “root”. If we have any hope of producing fruit it will only happen when we’re secure in the vine.

I enjoyed the appearance of the Camellia branch in a lovely vase, and was hopeful it would root on its own, but there’s no hope for growth or fruit. For fruit to grow, the branch must be left on the “vine” or “grafted” in.

If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you. (vs. 7, TLV)

There’s something special about abiding in Yeshua. Just being with Him is glorious, but because we are fed by Him, pruned by the Father, we learn what it means to just be. We learn how to produce real fruit, not just buds or pretty flowers, but real fruit. When that happens, we are in the Father’s will and whatever we ask in His will, it will be done.

Whatever we ask won’t be selfish with our own agenda — however good we may believe it is — it will be in one accord with His plan, His agenda.

And then we will bear delicious fruit for the world to enjoy.


Adapted from my September 2021 blog.
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