Daily Word: Silence Can Be Wise. Proverbs 17:28

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

Even a fool who keeps quiet, is considered wise, discerning, if he seals his lips. Proverbs 17:28, TLV


Silence Can Be Wise!     You got to love this passage. I mean, we can look wise by just keeping our mouth shut. But are we just looking wise or is this a step toward wisdom?

One of the tools of wisdom is restraint. It’s part of self-control and the Bible has a lot of good things to say about self-control.

Restraint feels a certain way in our emotions and minds. It’s surrendering our control — at least for a moment — to pause. And in that pause a lot can be accomplished:

  • Prayer
  • Listening
  • Formulating a wise response

Whether we’re just beginning the Wisdom Journey or are off-course and need a way to get back on track, begin here. In the place of restraint, surrender, and quiet.

The proverb implies even a fool can choose restraint. And that, my friends, is why I love this verse.

Think More About It

How has silence been part of your wisdom journey?

Until tomorrow, may we not only appear wise, but be wise, my friends.

God, do not keep silent.
Do not hold Your peace, O God.
Do not be still.
For look, Your enemies make an uproar.
Those who hate You lift up their head. Psalm 83:2-3, TLV


Silence is important to God. But for us, it can be difficult when He is quiet—seemingly unresponsive. It’s okay to be honest with Him about our fears or frustrations, He already sees it in our hearts.

Still, we can’t remain there. Our hearts and minds need to land in the place of faith and hope. As we pray for Israel and the innocents who are victims of such hatred, our loving Father may seem quiet. Just know He’s not. So, if we pray this prayer, then end with “Your will be done” and “Your promises are ‘yes’ and ‘amen’.” God bless you!

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