And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good deeds. And do not neglect our own meetings, as is the habit of some, but encourage one another—and all the more so as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25, TLV
Stir It Up! spoken of in Jeremiah 31:30ff. The writer of Hebrews even quotes from this prophecy:
“This is the covenant that I will cut with them:
‘After those days,’ says ADONAI [the LORD],
‘I will put My Torah [Law] upon their hearts,
and upon their minds I will write it [upon their hearts] . . .’” (vs. 16a, TLV)
How did this happen? When did this happen?
By His [GOD the Father’s] will we have been made holy through the offering of the body of Messiah Yeshua [Jesus] once for all. (vs. 10, TLV)
Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have boldness to enter into the Holies by the blood of Yeshua [Jesus]. He inaugurated a new and living way for us through the curtain—that is, His flesh. We also have a Kohen Gadol [High Priest] over God’s household. (vss. 19-21, TLV)
“A new and living way . . .” Because Jesus still lives and sits at His Father’s right hand (vs. 12), our faith, our salvation, our sanctification is living in us. We can approach the throne room of the Creator of the Universe? Yes!
That’s heady stuff. But it’s not about being little princesses and princes, it’s about living this faith. Walking it out. Why?
Because we are grateful! From the beginning of time the longing of our Heavenly Father was for a people who choose to love Him, not only for His precious Son’s sacrifice, but because of our Father’s great love.
Of course we should be motivated to help others — especially our brothers and sisters in faith — we’re free! Our hands, feet, ears, and lips can be our Messiah’s instruments. We can go into all the world — or our neighborhood — and live, breathe, and exercise the Gospel.
He’s alive! And He’s alive in us by the Holy Spirit! If we lived this reality the world would see Him as clearly as we see Him in our hearts. Let’s stir it up, my friends.
Think More About It
How do you stir up others to love and good deeds? Has someone stirred you up? Love your testimonies and insights.
May we be stirred up, my friends.
Praying for Israel—Prayer Prompts
May ADONAI answer you in the day of trouble!
May the Name of the God of Jacob set you up securely on high.
May He send you help from the Sanctuary
and support you from Zion. Psalm 20:2-3, TLV
I love this passage! A beautiful blessing to speak over Israel and her people. Join me? God bless you and Shabbat Shalom!