Daily Word: Strategic Selfishness? Proverbs 11:26

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

People curse anyone withholding grain, but blessing is on the head of one who dispenses it. Proverbs 11:26, TLV


Strategic Selfishness?      I think we’ve all struggled with selfishness—being the giver or the recipient of another’s selfishness. Someone asks us for a favor and we’re just too tired, or simply don’t want to do it—so we don’t help or do what they asked.

But selfish behavior can also be a sign of a greater problem.

In today’s proverb, withholding grain is not about saving the harvest for the family. Hoarding grain was a strategic endeavor. Waiting for a better market so that they can increase the price. Or a means to exert power and control over those who need to purchase it.

That type of strategic selfishness is something followers of Jesus and children of the Most High God should be aware of so that we don’t practice this behavior.

Selfish Compulsion

If we feel a compulsion to refuse others in need, it’s important to pause and seek our Heavenly Father as to our motives. Is it because helping would be a detriment to our family, or are we self-serving to our own needs? Is our refusal based on fear or greed, or is it wisdom?

The Other Side of the Penny

Of course, there is the other side of the penny. Being so generous can have a negative effect on our health, or our family’s wellbeing. Especially for those of us in ministry, we can throw ourselves into “God’s work” to such a level that it becomes unhealthy. The need around us is so great we may feel selfish when we decline to give of ourselves or resources.

The Needs are Great . . .

There are times our Father will call us to sacrifice, but not every sacrifice is ordained by Him.

“Now this I pray, that your love might overflow still more and more in knowledge and depth of discernment . . .”  Philippians 1:9, TLV [emphasis mine]

Our love should overflow and grow. However, Father still wants us to employ wisdom and discernment. We know that He does with us. While He sacrificed His Son — His Son sacrificed His life — Father doesn’t give us everything we want or think we need like Santa Clause.

Using wisdom and discernment is crucial to relationships. Love and grace is too. By utilizing these incredible resources, we can give when called, and reserve when necessary.

If we are open to our Father’s direction, He’ll show us. And just a hint, reading, studying, and walking in His wisdom is a great place to begin.

Think More About It

How do you employ wisdom and discernment in your generosity? Have you always been that way?

Until tomorrow, may we be wise in our generosity, my friends.

Thank you for continuing to pray for Israel and the return of the hostages. God bless you.

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