Daily Word: The Motives Quotient. Proverbs 16:2

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

All a man’s ways are pure in his own eyes, but ADONAI [the LORD] weighs the motives. Proverbs 16:2. TLV


The Motives Quotient.     Ah, yes. The motives quotient to our behavior. What I call the “I meant well” characteristic.

It manifests when we respond or behave in a way we think is Godly, but upon closer inspection and reflection, it’s clear we didn’t seek the LORD about it. Had we sought the LORD, He would have revealed our true motives.

Perhaps we haven’t forgiven an offense or hurt, so we react harshly. Or we feel ignored and need someone to notice that slight. Maybe we’re feeling needy and want to fill that need with some retail therapy.

There are any number of motives that reek of our flesh.


In most situations, if I’m about to make a decision or about to do something because of an unGodly motive, or just a deceitful motive, I get the proverbial “check in my spirit.” You know, that small resistance that says, “Uh oh. You might want to think about that.”

When I’m wise, I stop and seek the LORD why I’m sensing that. Most times — okay, I’d like to think that it’s most times — I pause and pray about it. Inevitably, it’s good that I do. It doesn’t take too much of an imagination to figure out how that action would not have played well.

That Pause

What is also very helpful is that pausing, reflecting, and seeking opens yet another opportunity for the LORD to do some housecleaning in my heart. It’s not just about having pure and proper motives. It’s about relationship. Relationship with our Heavenly Father who nurtures and teaches us how to walk this journey — together. And that’s a good thing.

Think More About It

How do you gage your motive quotient?

Until tomorrow, may our motives reveal our Heavenly Father’s heart, my friends.

ADONAI [LORD], God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel our fathers, preserve forever such motives and thoughts in the heart of Your people and make their heart constant toward You. 1 Chronicles 29:18, TLV

Great prayer, don’t you think? Shall we agree together for Israel, His people, and those truly seeking Him? Yes? God bless you and Chag Semeach!

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