Daily Word: The Possibility of the Impossible, Luke 1:37

Terri GillespieDaily Word Leave a Comment

“For nothing will be impossible with God.” Luke 1:37, TLV


The Possibility of the Impossible.   The context of this verse is an angel announces to a young maiden — still a virgin — that she was chosen to carry in her womb the salvation of the world. And still be a virgin. Impossible.

Sometimes we forget that God has done the impossible since the beginning of time. He spoke the Universe into being (Genesis 1). A ninety-year old woman who had never been pregnant, gets pregnant by her 100-year-old husband, and gives birth to a healthy boy (Genesis 21). A young boy sold into slavery becomes the second most powerful ruler in Egypt and saves his family and the land (Genesis 41). Because of a burning bush, an exiled prince, turned shepherd, became a somewhat reluctant prophet, led his people to freedom, and transcribed the Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy) the foundation of our faith.

Impossible becomes Possible.

Impossible for the Red Sea to part and the Jewish people to escape the Egyptians while walking on dry land (Exodus 41)? Of course.

Scriptures are packed with the impossible. Sometimes we forget how awesome our Father — the Creator and King of the Universe — really is. Even Miriam (Mary) the soon to be mother of Yeshua (Jesus), needed to be reminded that nothing is impossible with God.

Does He always perform the impossible? That would be nice, wouldn’t it? But, our God is not random. There is a purpose to everything He does or chooses to not do, as disappointing as that may be.

What about us?

What impossible has God made possible in our life? If we not only take the time to think about the impossible that became possible, perhaps it would be easier to recognize the impossible next time. Write them down — the past and those to come. Start a journal that contains these impossibles that became possible.

Begin with finding the impossibles that became possible in the Bible, then add our own. If I were a betting person, the next time we felt hopeless about a situation, reading our Impossibles to Possible journal would build up our faith in our Father. Our Creator who can speak anything He wants into existence. Halleluyah!

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