Daily Word: The Rock. 1 Samuel 2:2

Terri GillespieDaily Word Leave a Comment

There is none holy as ADONAI [the LORD],
for there is none besides You,
nor is there any rock like our God. 1 Samuel 2:2, TLV


The Rock.   The context of this verse is a new mother, Hannah who had once been barren, honors her vow to GOD to give up her child forever. She rejoices as she now gives her little boy over to service to GOD. His guardian? A priest named Eli, who has a poor track record as a father and poor discernment.

Imagine how Hannah must have felt. She had prayed and prayed for a child and promised that should the LORD grant her this plea she would dedicate him to His service (1 Samuel 1:11).

The LORD gives her a beautiful son. And as promised, after the boy is weaned, she brings young Samuel to the Temple (1 Samuel 1:26-28).

Then Hannah prayed and said,
“My heart exults in ADONAI,
my horn is lifted high in ADONAI.
I smile wide over my enemies,
for I rejoice in Your salvation. (vs. 1, TLV)


Chapter 2, verses 1-10 is Hannah’s prayer of gratitude and praise. Even though she would not raise the child she longed for, prayed for, she saw the situation for what it was: the Creator of the Universe heard her plea. When you have an opportunity read her magnificent prayer. At no point does she regret her vow to give up her little boy.

Hannah was heard.

I believe Hannah was able to honor the vow and leave that sweet child because of her deep faith and realization that her GOD loved her and heard her. GOD’s miraculous answer was less about having a child and more about the wonder and awe that He saw her and her pain. For all she knew, she would never have another child — she did, five more — but it didn’t matter, she had been wholly heard and GOD had blessed her. She could trust in GOD to care for her son because she knew there would be no son without Him.

This is why she could hand over her beautiful boy to the man with a poor parenting skills and spiritual discernment.

Is there something we’ve prayed to our Heavenly Father for years. Has that prayer become more about our need or want, and less about our relationship with Him?

Should GOD give us exactly what we prayed for, then takes it away, can we still say, “My heart exults in ADONAI!”

Could we hold fast to the Rock of our salvation despite what seems like a loss because we trust Him that much?

Hannah is a beautiful example of bold faith in the Rock. One that I wish to model. How about you?

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