Daily Word: Too Much Talk?  Proverbs 13:4

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

The slacker’s soul craves, yet has nothing, but the diligent soul will be satisfied. Proverbs 13:4, TLV


Too Much Talk?     For some folks all their energy is spent talking about an idea, rather than working the idea. In other words: some talk, some do.

New ideas are wonderful. Brainstorming ideas are wise. External processors need that verbal time. But there comes a point where continuing to talk drains our energy and motivation to do the work it takes to get the job done.

Even the most intelligent people can be slackers because they don’t produce anything. They live in their heads.

Too much talk can raise unrealistic expectations which will either set us up for failure or discourage us from ever beginning.

Too much talk raises unrealistic expectations…

Learning the Hard Way

For many years, I never understood why I struggled with accomplishing the “great” ideas I had. After a while, I accumulated piles of unfinished projects everywhere. Those unrealized goals clogged up my brain with an unrealistic hope that I’d one day finish them, followed by discouragement that I couldn’t complete even one project.

Slackers have a choice: ignore the piles and unrealized ideas, talk about them more, or stop trying to figure out a perfect resolution, and just do it.

Think More About It

Do you struggle with expectations that paralyze you to move forward? Have you overcome that paralysis? How?

Until tomorrow, may we choose diligence rather than too much talk, my friends

Deliver me from my enemies, my God!
Set me on high,
away from those who rise up against me.
Deliver me from workers of iniquity.
Rescue me from bloodthirsty men.
For behold, they lie in wait for me.
Defiant men stir up strife against me—
not for my transgression or sin, ADONAI [LORD]. Psalm 59:2-4, TLV

Sometimes King David truly speaks our hearts. Today’s passage is an honest, heartfelt cry that we can pray for Israel, ourselves, the victims of the hurricanes, and those struggling. We agree together, yes? God bless you!

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