Daily Word: Truth Pushes Through. Proverbs 29:16

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

When the wicked thrive, wrongdoing increases, but the righteous will see their downfall. Proverbs 29:16, TLV


Truth Pushes Through.      When do we give up fighting evil? Never. But it’s important to prayerfully choose our battles and know that in the end, GOD wins the war. In fact, the war was won from the beginning.

Have you ever seen a thin blade of grass find its way through concrete? It seems impossible, but as a homeowner, I can tell you it’s not only possible, but it also happens frequently.

The truth is like that blade of grass. Truth is part of our Heavenly Father. Concrete is a work of man. Man may think themselves clever and firmly in control, but just a single blade of His truth can break up the hardness of mankind. It’s pretty cool that He gives us many examples of this all around us.

Press In

Sometimes we might surrender because we believe that the victory was already won for us. We may think a situation is impossible, and it truly is, but it’s not by our might that the battle will be won.

Then he responded to me by saying, ‘This is the word of ADONAI [the LORD] to Zerubbabel saying: “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Ruach [Spirit]!” says ADONAI-Tzva’ot [the LORD of Hosts]. Zechariah 4:6, TLV

If we are sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s prompting and guidance, and then step out in faith, miracles can happen every day. Every. Single. Day. Truth will triumph.

Think More About It

Are there impossible situations in your life? Is this a “battle” you’ve been called to? How will you partner with the LORD? What is your part? [It’s okay if He only calls you to pray and respond in love.]

Until tomorrow, may we see the opportunities and step out in faith, my friends.

As the battle continues to rage in Israel, there are frontlines around the world. Some of us may be called to step up and work in Israel with humanitarian ministries or financially support them. Others may be called to be a calm voice of truth. We all have been called to pray. Thank you for whatever GOD has called you to do. God bless you.

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