Daily Word: We’re the Aliens, Habakkuk 2:14

Terri GillespieDaily Word Leave a Comment

For the earth will be filled with knowing the glory of ADONAI [the LORD], as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14, TLV


We’re the Aliens.  How do we have peace in the midst of unrest and chaos, even within our families? It is with reminders that this is not our home. We abide here as stewards and ambassadors — more like aliens with a heart to serve the real Owner of this world. Therefore, we are not anchored in this world’s waters, tossed about by the storms. Our anchor is lodged deep in the Living Waters, which is peaceful and fulfilling.

At least that’s our goal, right?

But, because we are His stewards, we take good care of what is precious to Him. People. The beautiful world He created. His creatures.

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One day, the earth and all its inhabitants will acknowledge its Creator. Our Heavenly Father has already seen it. He knows how the petty and important arguments will play out. In the meantime, our job is to do our jobs as honorable stewards and ambassadors. Honorable aliens.

Are you an honorable alien?



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