Daily Word: What Do You Trust? Proverbs 11:28

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like a green leaf. Proverbs 11:28, TLV


What Do You Trust?     Growing up, I was never outdoorsy, but I did enjoy sitting in the branches of the maple tree in our yard. My adventurous endeavor was probably the result of a dare from my little brothers. Frankly, I can’t imagine my being that brave to initiate the adventure.

At first, I was nervous climbing the tree. I tested each branch to make sure it could hold my weight. A creak or snap had me hugging the trunk for dear life. Once I knew which branches were sturdy, I ascended and found my perch. And even though I hadn’t climbed very high, I loved the view and sense of adventure.

Trusting the Branch?

Trusting in riches is like standing on a branch that creaks and cracks and ultimately, won’t hold us. It may appear strong, but there could be any number of reasons the limb can’t sustain our weight.

Our trust should reside in the Creator of the Universe, our Father. Faith in our God who knows all and has already seen the future — that is our best investment.

Wisdom and Stewardship

Does that mean we don’t have to be good stewards of our finances? Of course not. The stewardship of our resources is one of the fruits of our integrity. Paying our tithes, our debts, our household expenses, our offerings, our savings, before we play is wise and prudent. Then, we can climb that “tree” and see where it will take us.

A Trust

Rather than treating our finances as a reward we deserve and can do whatever we want with, let’s treat our finances as a trust from our Father. He loves a good adventure, too, but He knows where we’ll be and what we’ll need in the future. Following His plan of investment is the best way. That’s living the wisdom journey.

Think More About It

Have you ever gone out on a limb? What was the lesson?

Until tomorrow, may we trust in the Lord, not His gifts, my friends.


Why does the wicked one revile God?
He says in his heart:
“You will never require anything.”
You saw—for You see trouble and grief,
to take it in Your hand.
The victim puts his trust in You—
You are the helper of the orphan. Psalm 10:13-14, TLV



God is not mocked. The enemy of our souls may think God will not follow-through, but guess what, He will. So, we pray in faith, “Your will be done, Father.” Knowing that He sees. God bless you.

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