Daily Word: What Does God Think When We Mess Up? Proverbs 24:16

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

For though the righteous one may fall seven times, he gets up again, but the wicked stumble in adversity. Proverbs 24:16, TLV


What Does God Think When We Mess Up?      I love this passage. I’ve taken great comfort in the picture of the Creator of the Universe as our Dad. In this one verse, we can see His love, compassion, and mercy.

Scriptures tell us that He’s fully aware of our frailties. He knows we’re dust (Psalm 103:14). He knows we’re flawed, prone to mistakes. He knows we will trip and fall. And yet, knowing all that, He loves us so much.

Do we doubt that? Especially when we make mistakes — big mistakes?

Learning to Walk

As a young parent, I waited in anticipation for our daughter’s first steps. At no time did I think that she would simply stand and run into my arms without a missed step. I knew she would stumble and fall. And my goal was to be as nearby as possible to catch her or encourage her.

Don’t you think that’s how our Heavenly Father is with us? He’s always watching. Not to see if we fail, but to watch us learn.

He’s our Dad, my friends. And He loves us and is proud of us. He’s there watching us learn to walk this walk. He’s there to pick us up when we fall. He dusts off our bottom, wipes any tears, gives us a hug, then sets us back on our feet.

I truly believe that God doesn’t expect perfection from us — He wants our devotion and love, and, for us to not give up trying. When we get into things we shouldn’t get into, He may discipline us, but it is always with Him by our side and with the hope we’ll learn to not do it again.

Fail and Fall?

So, when we fall and fail, He’s there to forgive and pick up the pieces with us. When we succeed, He’s there smiling.

Imagine not having that type of security. Where everything rests on our shoulders when we fail. To be Fatherless.

We don’t have to imagine that sad state of being. But, for some of us, we need reminding that our Father is there for us. That we don’t have to be perfect, just His. And that is an amazing thing.

Think More About It

How do you view failures and falls?

Until tomorrow, may we stumble, fall, and walk into His arms, my friends.

From ADONAI [the LORD] a man’s steps are made firm,
when He delights in his way.
Though he stumble,
he will not fall headlong,
for ADONAI is holding his hand. Psalm 37:23-24, TLV


Another reminder prayer—for all of us. Amen? God bless you!

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