I endow substance to those who love me and fill their treasuries. Proverbs 8:21, TLV
What Fills Your Treasuries? Treasuries? What do we treasure? Today’s chapter instructs us about wisdom’s ability to help us acquire and steward our most valuable fortunes.
So, I ask again, what are our treasures?
Family? Wisdom helps us nurture our families to keep us together and strong in spirit and purpose.
Love? Wisdom shows us how to love for the long-haul, not just physical infatuation.
Faith? Wisdom shows us the power of our Heavenly Father and how to walk out our faith in decency and order.
Our gifts and talents? Wisdom points us to the Creator of the Universe as the giver of our abilities, then encourages us to seek a better understanding of how to utilize and steward them.
Wealth? Wisdom grounds us in how to view money and property. It acknowledges wealth’s Source and its temporal nature. Then points us how to utilize that wealth — in His kingdom and for His people.
Whatever we consider our treasures, wisdom is one of GOD’s most valuable tools to acquire, maintain, and steward them.
Wisdom is a resource like no other. Think about it, Proverbs provide the same wisdom kings, prophets, and great leaders used — thousands of years ago and today. Yet, it is applicable to shepherds, teachers, custodians, parents, and grandparents.
Our lives can be lives of substance when we fervently, purposely seek after GOD’s wisdom.
May wisdom from our loving Abba endow you with substance, my friends.
Let’s Think About It
What are your treasures? How has wisdom shown you how to fill your treasuries?
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