Daily Word: What is Our Legacy? Proverbs 4:23

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs 2 Comments

Guard your heart diligently,
for from it flow the springs of life. Proverbs 4:23, TLV


What is Our Legacy?   Most of you know of my love of the book of Proverbs. Reading a chapter each day for nearly two decades has changed my life in all areas of life: my relationship with our Heavenly Father, parenting, mentoring, finance, business decisions, etc., etc., etc. And because I’m a writer, you get the benefit of over 600 devotional blogs archived here on this website.

Each reading, the Holy Spirit illuminates something new and relevant, or reminds me of something important I’ve lost sight of. Today’s verse was the key to a sweet insight: passing on our legacy.

Listen, my sons, to a father’s instruction.
Pay attention, to gain understanding. (vs. 1, TLV)

Scholars say that King Solomon wrote chapter four to his children — and to us — to pass on the wisdom given to him by GOD, and by his parents. King David and Queen Bathsheba passed a legacy of experience and understanding, too. Many of the proverbs written by Solomon were nearly word-for-word quotes from his father.

When I was a son to my father,
tender and special to my mother … (vs. 3)

Reading chapter four reminded me of a letter a father might write to his children. Sharing his wisdom of what to do, and what not to do. Ecclesiastes — thought to have been written by Solomon towards the end of his life — is a solemn exhortation of the perils of knowing and having too much. What ultimately was most important to a soul.

We just celebrated Father’s Day, but really whether we’re biological or adoptive parents or we father or mother those GOD has given us, this is a reminder that our life is not all about us. It’s passing the legacy of what we’ve learned to others — sometimes with words, mostly by deeds.

What legacy will we leave behind for our children? Or those young people we’ve been included into their sphere of influence? Being steeped in wisdom, knowledge, discernment, and understanding has eternal value as we walk this faith journey. Share it.

Hold on tightly to instruction, do not let it go—
guard it, for it is your life. (vs. 13, TLV)

How? Now, that takes some creativity, for certain. Speaking it. Living it. Writing it. These are all ways. But because there are too many conflicting voices out there, we need the Holy Spirit’s guidance in seeing new opportunities and then creatively demonstrating or teaching it.

The hearts of the next generations are vulnerable and tender — despite their behaviors. Teaching them how to guard their hearts to be able to walk without the world’s darkness clouding their heart is a legacy of righteousness worthy of pursuit. Yes?

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