Daily Word: What is Your Strength? Proverbs 14:26

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

In the fear of ADONAI [the LORD] one has strong confidence. It will be a refuge for His children. Proverbs 14:26, TLV


What is Your Strength?     Okay, my friends. Bear with me on this one. I’ve meditated on this one for a while, but frankly, I may need more time. You’ll be able to tell me by the end of this blog.

When I read this proverb some time ago, there was something about the word, strong. “Strong confidence” made me think of those muscle builders. The men and women who invest years and thousands of dollars on bulking up their bodies. Is that the type of “strong” God is speaking of?

I wondered — other than competition or portraying a superhero, what good is that type of strength? All that work? For what exactly? To open stubborn jars?

Then, I wondered again — do we do that? I mean, not with weights or equipment or gym memberships, but with things we think will increase our “strong confidence?” Word studies. Bible Studies. Random Bible readings. Services. Prayer meetings. Inspirational books.

All those things are good, but I think the author of this chapter was saying something different. It’s the fear of ADONAI that strengthens us. When we fear the Lord, we hate evil. We love what He loves. We seek what’s important to Him. We live our life — our ordinary, extraordinary lives in truth.

Everyday People

That made me think of the everyday workers. The moms who lift heavy groceries and toddlers. The farmers who muck stalls and repair their tractors. The lawyers who carry the burdens of their clients. These are different types of strength. Not obvious from the outside, but very real when needed.

It made me think of those everyday heroes who daily choose to live their lives with integrity and a mindful eye on God’s word. They have different types of strength and endurance. No fancy equipment required. Just life lived with His wisdom, discernment, knowledge, and understanding. That repetitive “light” exercise keeps them strong and fit. Practical strength.

It’s those souls who walk in a quiet, strong confidence of who God is and who they are as His child. They live their precious moments in gratitude and hope and joy.

Building Up Strength

Building up this type of strength comes from living God’s word — living God’s wisdom. It comes from experience with purpose.

Learning how to fear the LORD comes from reading God’s word every day. And living it is a different type of strong confidence. It’s the confidence that will see us through any challenge, every hour of every day. We can look like we’re strong, or we can be strong. There are no tricks or shortcuts. Just quiet discipline.

Think More About It

How do you “exercise” to build up your strength? Has that strength seen you through difficult times?

Until tomorrow, may we be strong.

For who is God, except ADONAI?
And who is a Rock, except our God?
God girds me with strength
and makes my way straight.
He makes my feet like those of deer
and makes me stand on my heights. Psalm 18:32-34, TLV

Today, let’s pray this for those victims of prejudice and war in Israel and the surrounding countries. It is only through Sar Shalom [the Prince of Peace] that changes hearts. Let’s pray that He reigns and strengthens hearts. Yes? God bless you!

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