Daily Word: What Kind of “Kingdom” do We Have? Proverbs 14:28

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

A large population is a king’s glory, but lack of subjects is a prince’s ruin. Proverbs 14:28, TLV


What Kind of “Kingdom” Do We Have?     Do we have “kingdoms?” In a way, yes, we do. If you have children, own a business, supervise employees, teach, then you are something of a king or queen.

What I believe this passage distills down to is promoting loyalty in others we parent, teach or manage. Do we promote a wholesome environment that creates long-term trustworthiness in us? Or do our “subjects” live in fear and manipulation, rather than excitement and affirmation?

People are attracted to power and authority — good or bad. Loyalty can be based on a shared sense of purpose or destiny. Or it can simply be need. We have a choice to lead and guide others on our Father’s path — especially that wisdom’s journey. It’s a sacred trust.

If we are in a place of authority, we can create a Godly “kingdom” of honesty, integrity, safety, positivity, and consistency. Living Proverbs and the rest of God’s word is key to doing this. And that’s a good thing.

Think More About It

What is the state of your “kingdom?”

Until tomorrow, may our “kingdom” draw others to wholesome purposes, my friends.

Nobles come from Egypt.
Cush runs to stretch her hands to God.
Sing to God, kingdoms of the earth,
sing praises to the Lord—Selah—
to Him who rides upon the ancient heavens of heavens.
Look, He utters His voice, a mighty voice! Psalm 68:32-34, TLV


You know, sometimes we need to just praise God. Praise Him for who He is. For His promises. That He sees and knows—and we don’t. How about we do that today? Yes? God bless you!

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