He told them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the Good News to every creature.” Mark 16:15, TLV

What’s the Difference? The Great Commission. It is interesting that Mark’s perspective of Yeshua’s marching orders is a little different than Matthew’s (chapter 28).
Mark explored more of the spiritual side — the gifts of the Spirit — while Matthew focused more on the discipline of discipleship. Both are so important and necessary. To only focus on one is to be unbalanced and leave us less effective.
It’s also noteworthy that two of the four Gospels did not include the Great Commission. I believe this is because Jesus knew that we might all think we had to be the same to serve Him and His Father.
We were all created differently and for a unique purpose to glorify the Father through His Son. Some are fishermen — they bring in the fish — and others are carpenters –they build up. Some can serve and others will lead. Encourage and exhort.
How do we find our Great Commission? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal it. Already know? Seek to go even deeper — to “all the world.”