Daily Word: Where Do We Find the Compassion? Jacob [James] 1:27

Terri GillespieDaily Word Leave a Comment

Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.  Jacob [James] 1:27, TLV


Where Do We Find the Compassion?        Many of us are on difficult journeys: walking with our parents through the trials of old age that include dementia and/or Alzheimer, or dealing with young people in our lives who are wounded, or at risk. It’s an odd and challenging time and trying to understand the behaviors of those we love can cause some stress.

But it also does something else. It can help us set our priorities. Sometimes, we can be so wrapped up in our own feelings and concerns and goals that we forget our Father wants us to live out our redemption with acts of love and sacrifice — as His Son did for us.

Learn to do good, seek justice, relieve the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow. Isaiah 1:17, TLV

Showing that compassion to strangers is easier, I think, than with our own family. Families are complicated with history. History that makes pure and undefiled compassion difficult, especially when those we’re dealing with are vulnerable and helpless or combative and cold.

I’m learning, this isn’t about me. My acts of compassion and sacrifice are acts of honor — both to family and to my Heavenly Father. Don’t you wish there was a switch in our brain that activates compassion and sacrifice? The same switch that turns off our needs for a time so that we can focus on others?

My mother’s caregivers are wonderful. I don’t know how or if I could do that every day and I wrestle with the guilt because, well, the woman they tenderly care for is the mother who did incredible exploits for and with the LORD. Yet, today, she doesn’t always know who I am.

Two precious women of GOD have shown me that even these difficult moments are treasures. That had I not been there I would have missed them. Because one day there will be no more moments.

My brain has been like a clothes dryer filled with all different types of socks. They helped me grab the two socks that were most important and put them together into a clear understanding.

Take the moments and give of myself. At times I need reminding, because that dryer still tumbles all those other thoughts and activities that seem important –and they are — just not all the time. That’s why I am grateful to Abba for those who take the time to listen to the heartache and give priority to what I need to do today.

This applies to those of you with children — no matter the age — who are walking dangerous lives. Find other redeemed women who have or are going through the same thing.

The “widows” and “orphans” are literal and symbolic, but we are commanded to not forget them. It’s just not always easy. One comforting thing, the Holy Spirit will give us wisdom to find those moments for compassion. We just need to ask.

Think More About It

How do we find moments for compassion? What does that look like? Love your comments, thoughts, and inspiration.

Until tomorrow, may we seek those moments for compassion.


Praying for Israel

He who avenges blood remembers.
He will not forget the cry of the afflicted.
Be compassionate to me, ADONAI [LORD].
See my affliction from those hating me.
Lift me up from the gates of death.
Then I will tell all your praises
in the gates of the daughter of Zion,
rejoicing in Your salvation. Psalm 9:13-15, TLV

I’m not usually prone to speak of avenging or asking the LORD to respond to hatred. Honestly, today that’s what I feel. As I write today’s devo it is the day after learning that Shiri, Ariel, and baby Kfir Bibas were murdered in Gaza. I’m heartbroken. Knowing our heavenly Father knows that pain is some comfort, but I want more. I can’t think or the grief and anger build without a way to release it. Can you imagine what the Bibas family is feeling?

So, if you don’t join me with this prayer—and truly, I wonder if anyone even reads these prompts—I’ll understand. God bless you.

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