But you, when you pray, go into your inner room; and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, shall reward you. Matthew 6:6, TLV
Where is Your Inner Room? Does our Heavenly Father care where we talk to Him? Is it about how perfect or eloquently we say our prayers? Fortunately, it doesn’t matter where or when we pray, it is all about our heart.
This verse precedes what we know as “the LORD’s prayer.” The prayer Yeshua taught His followers — from His disciples then to us, today.
It’s not about elegance of words or length of our prayers that captures the heart of the Father. Our Father’s heart was already captured on our behalf by His Son. So it seems logical that we would pray the way Jesus taught us. Simply, honestly, reverently, and humbly.
My mother has Alzheimer. It is a ten-hour drive to visit her. But, I try to call and talk to her each night (sometimes she forgets to hang up the phone and the battery dies). When we do chat, we end each call saying the LORD’s prayer together. Sometimes I need to prompt her what line comes next. On rare occasions she can say it on her own.
Her words may not be perfect — or she forgets a word — but it is so precious to share with her, time with our Father. Now, if it is precious to me, imagine how our Daddy feels.
Once again, those of us who aren’t scholars have an advantage. We can approach our Father knowing it won’t be about our eloquent words, it will be our humble sincerity. Like mom.
That’s our inner room — our prayer closet, our secret place. May we go there often.