“Who has gone up into heaven, and come down? Who has gathered the wind in the palm of His hand? Who has wrapped the waters in a cloak? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His name and what is the name of His son—if you know?” Proverbs 30:4, TLV
Who? I love these passages in Scripture. They remind us of who we are — and more importantly, who GOD is. No one can compare with ADONAI — least of all, us.
With all our advancements in technology, medicine, agriculture, and research, we are witless and helpless in comparison to the Creator of the Universe. Sometimes, I think we get too big for our own britches. We become proficient in one tiny aspect of the universe, and we think we’re something. That we don’t need Him anymore.
Does that mean our Heavenly Father doesn’t want us to study and research and try to make the world a better place with both His truth and science? Absolutely not. Many of the early brilliant scientists were strong followers of Jesus. Blaise Pascal, Maria Gaetana Agnesi, Robert Boyle, Robert Millikan. and so many more. Names I’ve never heard of, but who have contributed to science for hundreds of years.
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“Jesus is the God whom we can approach without pride and before whom we can humble ourselves without despair.” Blaise Pascal, Philosopher, Mathematician, And Theologian
Our Heavenly Father established the law of physics, and He can break them if it serves His purposes. And yet, this pure power, this entity of pure holiness is above all else, pure love. Especially in the area of love, He surpasses all.
I love the final part of our realization of how amazing our GOD is, and that is, He loves us. Did you get that? He. Loves. Us! Enough that He sent His Son Yeshua to cover our sins and make us His own. Forever. A nice reminder.
Think More About It
What are the reminders of God’s awesomeness and love that you like to meditate on?
Until tomorrow, may this reminder comfort and fill us with gratitude, my friends.
Praying for Israel
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude—through this we may offer worship in a manner pleasing to God, with reverence and awe.” Hebrews 12:28, TLV
When the tangibles around us are chaotic, knowing the spiritual—the eternal—is unshakeable works those faith muscles. Let’s pray that those muscles will only strengthen even with the chaos. Amen? God bless you.