Daily Word: Why is Partiality in Judgment Not Good? Proverbs 24:23

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

These sayings are also from the wise: Partiality in judgment is not good. Proverbs 24:23, TLV


Why is Partiality in Judgment Not Good?     Are there times when partiality is okay? Sometimes. Someone has a bad day, we give them a bit more grace, maybe even some mercy when they’re grumpy. But, when it comes to justice, we must judge without partiality. We must weigh the evidence impartially — we must take the time to examine the evidence. Once the judgment is made, we follow through with the appropriate sentence.

When this process doesn’t happen, it sends a message that our judgment can be bought. Whether by politics, money, power, or even foolish or hasty compassion.

If there are victims associated with a crime, not using partiality is even more important. This is why the Bible instructs us to pray for our leaders. They must exercise great wisdom, discernment, knowledge, and understanding.


Once the judgement is made, that need for wisdom and prayer doesn’t end. Sentencing impacts both the individual and society. The one who determines the sentence may need to grant mercy or bring the whole penalty of the law to bear.

Full Penalty of Law

Think about this: Yeshua — Jesus — took the whole penalty of the law on Himself. For us. And His own Father showed no mercy on Him.

I think of that, a Father watching His beloved Son sacrifice Himself for others when He could have pulled back the punishment. But He didn’t. He didn’t because of us.

It didn’t end there, but because of that complete fulfillment of the penalty, we can be free. Truly free! How can we not honor, love, and walk out the rest of our lives in humble gratitude?

Think More About It

Is mercy the same as partiality? Not when the justice system functions. Say someone is found guilty and the crime is worthy of severe punishment, mercy can be employed when there are extenuating circumstances. Mercy does not negate guilt, but it provides opportunities for restoration and/or redemption. What are your thoughts?

Until tomorrow, may we be grateful that our Father showed no partiality in judgement for us on His Son, my friends.

Partiality, Justice, Mercy, Compassion. These are all important components in our prayers for Israel. And wisdom in how to incorporate these. God bless you.

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