Daily Word: Yippee! Let’s Talk About Suffering! 1 Peter 5:10

Terri GillespieDaily Word Leave a Comment

After you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace—who has called you into His eternal glory in Messiah—will Himself restore, support, strengthen, and establish you.  1 Peter 5:10, TLV


Yippee! Let’s Talk About Suffering!      The S Word. Yippee! Time to talk about suffering! The apostle Peter — who was one of the original twelve that walked with Jesus — has what I call street cred. He may not be as elegant a writer and speaker as Paul, but he’s walked the walk, made the mistakes, suffered. His journey is different than Paul’s, but in many ways it is similar.

This has nothing to do with competition as to who is greater — they’re just, different in their approach based on their experiences and personality.

Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, so that He may lift you up at the appropriate time. (1 Peter 5:6, TLV)

As someone well acquainted with the journey from pride to humility, we can almost see Peter point to his heart and say, “Believe me, I know.”

The style and attribute both Peter and Paul had was the understanding that our life in this world is temporary. There will be problems. Attacks. Discouragement. And suffering. But the future is brighter and more amazing than we can imagine because we at the appointed time, we will be truly home.

We Don’t Deserve Suffering?

Back in the 1970s when hubby and I came to faith, there was a common teaching that did a lot of damage. “Christians Don’t Need to Suffer.” In other words, if one is experiencing suffering, then they must have sinned or are on the wrong path. Sound familiar? Probably because this teaching is still prevalent.

Right now, I’m studying through the book of Job. Did you know Job’s friends espoused the same thinking? If you’ve read Job, you know their words were not comforting. And more importantly, they weren’t accurate as they related to Job’s circumstances.


Why is there suffering? Without sounding like a cliché, we live in a fallen world. There will always be suffering. But we don’t have to walk through any challenge alone.

Remember the old saying of “the light at the end of the tunnel”? Our Light is at the end of our tunnel. And He will be waiting with open arms.

Think More About It

What is your view on suffering? How does that view factor into your faith journey?

Until tomorrow, know that you are not alone whatever you are experiencing, my friend.


Praying for Israel

You who fear ADONAI [the LORD]. praise Him!
All Jacob’s descendants, glorify Him!
Revere Him, all you seed of Israel.
For He has not despised or disdained the suffering of the lowly one.
Nor has He hidden His face from him,
but when he cried to Him, He heard.
Psalm 22:24-25, TLV (emphasis mine)

Let’s pray this passage out loud, my friend. It’s great for Israel, and also for anyone we know who is going through a difficult time. Amen? God bless you!

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