Daily Word: You can be an Influencer in a Child’s Life. Proverbs 23:15

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

My son, if your heart is wise, then my heart also will be glad. Proverbs 23:15, TLV


You Can Be An Influencer in a Child’s Life.     Whether you’re a parent or an influencer in the life of a child, there’s something precious when an adult and a child have that heart connection.

You know that moment: when what we’ve shared or taught a child, is lived out in their life. Knowing we were part of the process for that child’s development — whether a large or tiny part, is a blessing.


There were many positive, Biblical seeds we sowed into our daughter’s life — and, unfortunately, a lot of mistakes. So many that there were times I wondered if any of the good seeds would grow.

I remember the sweet message from our Heavenly Father that all was going to be fine. Of all things it happened in a public bathroom.

When I use a public washroom, after I finish washing my hands, I always try to wipe off the wet counter. It’s something my mom taught me, and I just think it’s a courteous thing to do. When my daughter was a teenager, she would laugh at me. Sometimes, she would be annoyed that I spent the extra minute performing the chore. “They have people to do that, mom,” she would say.

Years later, her dad and I visited her. She and I went out for lunch and used the public facilities before ordering. After she washed her hands, she — 😊 — wiped down the counter. Sheepishly looking back at me, she said something like, “Yes, mom. I can’t help it.” As we walked back to our table, you know that this mama had gladness in her heart. In fact, I’m smiling right now.

Making a Difference

We all want to make a difference in God’s Kingdom. The most influential way is with children. But not everything has to be big Scriptural moments. It can be life skills as well. Behaviors that reflect wisdom and make for a better world. We can demonstrate the importance of hygiene — which is Scriptural or good manners.

Any adult can do this. Which means, we don’t have to be parents or family members. It can be little moments that over time can positively change behaviors. Introduce life skills that produce Godly ladies and gentlemen.

Teaching children Biblical precepts are important, and I hope if the Lord “tags” you for service, you’ll run that race. Just know the little things can be powerful, too.

We’re Being Watched

Children watch us. They’re intuitive little beings and can tell if we’re sincere or not. When we live wisdom, live our faith, they’ll watch. When we don’t, they’ll see. If we truly live it, then when we teach these little lessons, they’ll know it’s authentic.

Think More About It

Today, think of three children in your life — at work, your congregation, your neighborhood — then ask the Lord to show you one or two things that you could show them in a natural, organic way. Picking up the trash on the sidewalk. Waving and saying, “Good morning. God bless you.” Whatever creative thing He might show you. Who knows, one day, you may walk away with gladness in your heart because a child learned something from you.

Until tomorrow, may our hearts be glad for the life of a child, my friends.

Your righteousness is like the mountains of God.
Your judgments are like the great deep.
You preserve man and beast, ADONAI [the LORD].
How precious is Your love, O God!
The children of men find refuge in the shadow of Your wings.
They drink their fill from the abundance of Your House.
You give them drink from the river of Your delights. Psalm 36:7-9, TLV


Sometimes we just need reminder prayers. Reminders of who He is. Who we are. Our place in this world and at this time. Remembering goodness is a mark of maturity. Growth. As we pray for Israel and for the Jewish community around the world, let’s pray these truths and remember what He has done for us in our life and with the whole house of Israel. Yes? God bless you!

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