I’m so excited!
Getting to know Lynn Austin is so exciting. Why? Well, I have been a fan for many years, but even more than that. Lynn and I share a common love and respect for the Bible. (Watch the YouTube interview for more about that.)
Lynn Austin is the bestselling author of nearly thirty novels and was one of the first inductees into the Christy Award Hall of Fame. Her novel Hidden Places was made into a Hallmark Channel movie starring actress Shirley Jones. She and her husband have three grown children and make their home in western Michigan.
What’s New with Lynn?

Isn’t this cover rich and beautiful?
Her latest novel–which released on Tuesday–is All My Secrets and what a treasure. It is a luminous work of historical fiction set amid the opulence of Gilded Age New York, in 1898, where three generations of women in one family must reckon with the choices they have made and their hopes for the future.
THE STORY: The only thing more shocking than Arthur Stanhope III’s unexpected death is the revelation that his will bestows his company—and most of the vast fortune that goes with it—to the nearest male heir, leaving his mother, wife, and daughter nearly impoverished–by society’s standards. His widow, Sylvia, quickly realizes she must set aside her grief to ensure their daughter, Adelaide, is launched into society as soon as the appropriate mourning period passes. If Sylvia can find a wealthy husband for Addy before anyone realizes they’re practically destitute, there will be little disruption to the lifestyle they’re accustomed to.
Sylvia’s mother-in-law, Junietta, believes their lives could use a little disruption. She has watched Sylvia play her role as a society wife, as Junietta once did, despite what it cost them both. Junietta vows to give her granddaughter the power to choose a path beyond what society expects.
But for Addy to have that chance, both mother and grandmother must first confront painful truths about their own choices. Only in bringing their secrets to light can they hope to reshape their family inheritance into a legacy more fulfilling than they ever dared dream.
Be sure to check out my 5-Star reviews on Goodreads and BookBub
Ready to get to know this amazing woman of God?
What inspired this story set in the Gilded Age?
I was initially drawn to the Gilded Age because of the excesses of the era—the enormous, overly decorated mansions, the lavish lifestyles of the rich, the rags-to-riches stories of the Gilded Age tycoons. I wanted to explore what might happen if these fortunes were lost, or if my characters began to acknowledge the emptiness of a life lived only for pleasure. People today often envy the rich and famous, so I wanted to take a peek behind the scenes of a time period that is similar to ours in many ways, and explore some of the values that shaped it.
That was one of the reasons this story impacted me in such a profound way. The juxtaposition between such wealth and such injustice was powerful–and memorable.
What do you hope readers will learn from Addy’s journey?
In All My Secrets, Addy is being given conflicting advice. Her grandmother’s wisdom, her mother’s financial needs, society’s pressures, and her own growing social conscience are all pulling her in different directions. These influences are easy to see in a novel, but aren’t so obvious in our everyday lives. I hope readers can gain insight into what might be influencing their own decisions and learn to discern God’s plan for their lives as they read Addy’s story.
I love it. Writers can provide a culture for change by writing stories that open readers’ eyes to those deep recesses in our hearts.
What is one of your favorite quotes from All My Secrets and why do you love it?

Lynn Speaking While on a Book Tour in Germany
All three of the main characters in my novel are facing change, brought about by the death of the family patriarch, Arthur Stanhope. As Sylvia Stanhope wrestles with her grief and loss, and the changes it brings to her life, she is offered this wise advice: “Change is never easy, is it? . . . But it’s the only certainty in life. And I think you may find that the challenge of doing something new will help you move forward.”
None of us enjoy having our lives turned upside down, yet change is natural from the time we leave the womb until life’s end. It’s difficult to embrace something new if we’re still clinging to the old. But as Sylvia learns, the best path through grief is to accept the challenge of doing something new, and to grow stronger from it. It’s good advice for whatever changes we face.
Oh my, that is so true.
How does faith play a role in this story?
Faith plays a role in several ways. Some of the characters discover that their past mistakes can be forgiven through faith in Christ. This renewed faith provides them with a fresh start, even if they still must face the consequences of their mistakes. Other characters grow in faith throughout the story because of what they experience and learn to make better decisions by trusting God’s plan for their lives. And faith causes some of the characters to question the misplaced values that have shaped their lives.
All powerful watermarks in the journey.
What are you working on now?
Next is a Christmas novella called Waiting for Christmas that continues the stories of the characters from All My Secrets. I think readers will enjoy reading about what comes next in these women’s lives.
YAY! Funny. I wrote in my review how much I wanted to see one particular character in ten years. Can’t wait for this new book!
What is the best writing tip you ever received? How was it helpful?
When I was just starting to write, an instructor at a writer’s conference told me, “The hardest thing about writing is the chair.” I laughed, of course, but over the years I’ve appreciated this advice more and more. It taught me that writing is a discipline, and that the only way to finish a book is to stay in the chair, writing day after day, week after week. There are so many distractions that might draw me away from persisting in my work, but if I have a calling from God to write, then I need to discipline myself to keep working, faithfully and diligently.

Making Time to Hike With Grandchild
How does that work for you practically, Lynn?
Researching within a vast sea of information (without pursuing endless rabbit trails) is challenging, but I enjoy that process. Creating complex characters and a fresh plot that hasn’t been overused is also challenging, especially after writing nearly 30 books. After all these years, I’ve learned about the daily discipline that’s required in order to write a book—and write it well—and still meet the publisher’s deadline, but it’s still one of my biggest challenges. I would advise young writers to learn to set priorities in their life and writing, and allocate their time accordingly, be aware of the endless distractions that will try to divert them from God’s call to write.
Thanks, Lynn, for the great interview!
Ready for the GIVEAWAY?
The February A2A Giveaway!
Yes! Thanks to Tyndale Publishing, this month’s giveaway is a copy of Lynn’s, All My Secrets!
There’s one winner and it could be you! How? Well, by entering! Not just once, but up to SIX times!* Leave a comment below and share this blog and if you haven’t already, please subscribe to my newsletter at the bottom of this blog and receive a free gift from me — and an extra entry.
Check out my YouTubeA2A interview with Lynn. Because, in the video interview Sara will read a touching excerpt of All My Secrets, and answer different fun questions! By Liking and Commenting on the video episode, you will have one more entry.* Sharing the video, another entry.* Subscribe, and you have TWO entries for a chance to win.*
The Deadline is February 16th!
Watch ou
r A2A interview!
That means, my friends, if you comment and subscribe -– or are already a subscriber -– to my blog, then watch the video and LIKE, SHARE, and COMMENT on the VIDEO, then Subscribe to my YouTube Channel, your name will be entered SIX TIMES!*
Coming up in March: So excited to interview Sarah Sundin. A bestselling and multi-award-winning author whose latest release, Embers in the London Sky, is another epic!
Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed getting to know Sara–I sure did! Until next month, God bless, Happy New Year, and KEEP READING!
*So sorry, entries from the contiguous US only.